

5940 Granada St.
Fairway, KS 66205


Quote Number QUO-0004
Quote Date December 11, 2019
Total $1,050.00
Landworks Studio, LLC
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
16 Webpage(s) Discovery & Redesign

General Steps:
1. Designer evaluates the current design of the Landworks Studio website
2. Client receives two initial design directions of the homepage (or page of Client's choosing) to offer feedback and establish website look and feel
3. Designer applies Client feedback and takes the direction of choosing (step 2) to design out the rest of the pages
4. Client gets a round of revisions to view the designs to offer feedback, updates, and changes
5. Designer completes the request and works with the Developer (Doug) to carry out the finished website design

- Redesign of the following pages:
• Home
• About
• Our Process
• Our Team
• Work
• Project Description
• News
• Blog Page
• Contact

5 Round Feedback and Changes

Additional hours used to make changes and updates suggest by the client after the delivery of the entire website re-design.

Sub Total $1,050.00
Tax $0.00
Total $1,050.00

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