

5940 Granada St.
Fairway, KS 66205

Invoice Number INV-0031
Invoice Date February 10, 2022
Due Date February 25, 2022
Total Due $1,617.00
Astute RM

Project Objective: To design and implement a new website for Astute RM. The website will mirror the look and feel of the Astute RM product.


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Website Design and Implementation

During the website design and implementation steps, will use the resources created during the strategy phase to create a fully functioning, fully intuitive website for Astute RM. All tasks and to-do's of the website build will be documented in the scope of the project, created in tandem with the Astute team.

Note: This price does not include the cost of additional plug-ins, as well as, domain and hosting services.

Completed tasks can be found here for Q&A:

Sub Total $1,617.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $1,617.00